solo exhibition

Klara Sax:
Punk me to the end of love

5. – 26. 4. 2024

5. 4. at 7pm

Mojca Grmek
The mysterious artist Klara Sax allegedly comes from New York and was probably born around 1997. She is known to work with installations in which she explores the relationship between sound and spatial interventions, using humour and the element of surprise as her main tools.

The artist always conceives her installations in relation to the space in which she exhibits. When she first exhibited at Hiša kulture v Pivki several years ago, she referred to the work of Avgust Černigoj, who also worked in the wider Pivka area, but this time her inspiration came from Hiša kulture itself.

In this context, it must be mentioned that Hiša kulture used to be a local centre of alternative culture and at the same time one of the nodes of the club network that connected cities from all over Slovenia in the 1990s and formed a vibrant club scene. The clubs, which hosted various cultural events, brought together members of subcultures, musicians, artists and all those who shared a love of various forms of alternative culture. From 1998 to 2011, when Hiša kulture functioned as one of these centres, hundreds of events in various cultural and artistic fields took place in its spaces. The current gallery hosted exhibitions, creative workshops and courses, as well as round tables and lectures on current (or historical) social issues, book presentations and film screenings, theatre and dance performances. Concerts, music festivals and dance evenings were held in the basement, where Ćuza, d.o.o. had its premises, and later in Hall XXL. The events also extended beyond the main location. As early as 1997, Trnje Festival of Different Music was held every summer in a small forest above the village of Trnje pri Pivki, while in the first five years of its existence, art colonies were held in various spots around Pivka, and from 2007–2012, the Pivka Multimedia Centre was also run under the auspices of Hiša kulture.

After 2013, a new team took over Hiša kulture and eventually turned it into a relevant contemporary visual art gallery, and the clubbing slowly died down. But Klara Sax believes that the period of refinement has gone on for too long and that the time has come for a shake-up. She has awakened the ghosts of the past and turned the gallery into an imaginary club. She warns visitors in advance that this is not a copy, but the original. For those who may nevertheless be disappointed, she promises a consolation prize: a free copy of the new edition of her long out-of-print book from 2016 – Soft Cocktails / Hard Cocktails.

Klara Sax is the artistic identity of a duo made up of the married couple Nina Slejko Blom (1982) and Conny Blom (1974). The two artists work independently of each other (more at and and, in addition to the Klara Sax project, jointly run the Conceptual Art Centre Bukovje in Landskrona and the KLET Contemporary gallery in Landskrona, Sweden, where they also live and work. Klara Sax has been active since 2015. She has presented her work in solo exhibitions at Alkatraz Gallery in Ljubljana (2016), Božidar Jakac Gallery – Lamut Art Salon in Kostanjevica na Krki (2017) and Hiša kulture v Pivki (2019), and has participated in several group presentations in Slovenia and abroad.

Exhibition programme

Beti Bricelj

solo exhibition

4. – 25.4.2025

Education programme

Creativity programme

Poems in Prints / Miroslav Vilhar

printmaking workshop and exhibition

2. – 6.6.2025

Društvo Hiša kulture v Pivki
Snežniška cesta 2
6257 Pivka
Opening hours during the course of the exhibitions:

Tuesday–Thursday 10.00—14.00
Friday 14.00–18.00
Saturday 9.00–13.00

The Hiša kulture gallery in Pivka programme is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Municipality of Pivka and everyone who makes a donation of any amount.